How to Set up Your Onsite Course or Webinar

How to Set up Your Onsite Course or Webinar

This article will take you through how to create and set up an onsite course or webinar.

  1. Onsite Courses:

    1. Courses that are conducted physically by a trainer or instructor.

  2. Webinars:

    1. Courses that are conducted live online by a trainer or instructor.

When you are creating a new onsite course or webinar, the following types of content will be added by default:

  • Course Introduction: A section in which contains information about your course. This is required and cannot be removed.

  • Details: A section where details about the course is added, such as date, time and venue.

  • Outline: A section to fill in your course outline.

The Details section is different for onsite courses and webinars.

Details for Onsite Courses:

In this section, there are the following fields for you to complete: (required fields are marked with an asterisk):

  1. Venue

    1. Address*: Upon typing in your video, a list of suggested addresses will appear. Selecting an address from the suggested list will automatically populate the Country and City fields.

    2. Country*

    3. City*

    4. State / province

    5. Level

    6. Unit no. / Room

  2. Date and Time

    1. Date*

    2. Start time*

    3. End time*

  3. Timezone*

  4. Course capacity*

  5. Fees and funding

  6. Additional materials

Details for Webinars:

In this section, there are the following fields for you to complete: (required fields are marked with an asterisk):

  1. URL*: Please include the URL where the course will be conducted.

  2. Password

  3. Date and Time

    1. Date*

    2. Start time*

    3. End time*

  4. Timezone*

  5. Course capacity*

  6. Fees and funding

  7. Additional materials

To fill in your course outline:

  1. Select + Add main section to fill in your header for the course outline

  1. Select + Add subsection to fill in the individual section of your header for your course

  1. You can add more than one section to organize your course’s outline.

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