Submitting your Tax Forms

Submitting your Tax Forms

This article goes over what tax forms you’ll submit and receive from ZilLearn, and how the process works.

Why do I need to submit a tax form

ZilLearn is based in the United States (US). By law, all companies based in the US must comply with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) regulations. These regulations include collecting information regarding your tax status. 

All creators must submit their tax forms, regardless of their country of citizenship. 

How to submit a tax form

After registering with Payoneer, you will receive an email containing a unique link to an online wizard for tax form submissions. It will guide you in submitting the appropriate forms given whether you are a US or non-US person.

If you’re unsure at any point how to fill out a tax form required by ZilLearn, consult a tax professional or visit the IRS website to learn more. 

The IRS website provides tax information and services in Spanish, Chinese, Korean, Russian, and Vietnamese. To learn more, visit IRS Tax Tips.

Which tax form do I need to submit

Forms for US Persons

If you meet the following criteria, you will be asked to complete a Form W-9:

  • You are a US person (including citizens, resident, and entities treated as U.S. persons)

Forms for Non-US Persons

A Form  W-8 is used to prove that you are not a US citizen, resident or entity. In this case, ZilLearn will not file a Form 1099-NEC on your earnings.

If you meet the following criteria, you will be asked to complete either a Form W-8BEN, Form W-8BEN-E, or a Form W-8-ECI (collectively, "a Form W-8"):

  • You are a foreign person or entity

  • You are claiming applicable treaty benefits for tax purposes

  • You are a beneficial owner receiving US source payments that are effectively connected with a US trade or business

ZilLearn is required to file a Form 1099-NEC (effective from tax year 2020) with the IRS reporting what it has paid to US persons (with the exception of C corporations and S corporations) who have received earnings of USD600 or more by ZilLearn during the tax year. In January of the following year, you’ll be sent a Form 1099-NEC where applicable.

As a Payment Settlement Entity (PSE), Payoneer will also file a Form 1099-K for US persons whom it is legally required to make such filing on. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Payoneer does not assume any responsibility for your tax reporting or Form 1099-K filing obligations.

What happens if I do not submit a tax form
Your payments from ZilLearn and Payoneer may be delayed, or you may not receive any payments at all. 

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